We raise Indian Runner ducks and they are very comical creatures. They stand straight up in the air and take off like a steam train. Even at a very young age they begin to raise their necks and soon start running.
They come in all sorts of colours and this year we have hatched some Bali crested Runners that are apricot with a tuft on top of their heads.
They come in all sorts of colours and this year we have hatched some Bali crested Runners that are apricot with a tuft on top of their heads.

We incubate our eggs artificially as we find that Indian Runners do not make the best of mums. The Bali and the whites have a pale green egg, while the fawns have a white one. Here is a group of both in the incubator.

Here are some just hatching out. How they manage to fit in the egg I really don't know!!

Here they are at three days old. They stay under heat until they are three weeks old then start to go outside on warm days. You want them outside as quickly as possible as they are the messiest babies in the entire world!!

At last they are outside. They continue to come in at night until they get their waterproof feathers.